And I don't care if that's not a real word XD I did a new face for Yuffie since looking through many company photos of different dolls made her previous face look too bland. I really tried to make her eyes look more gothy but in the end it still looks to pale in photos. Better than last, but I still need to step it up next time. But here's how I got around to this (also better photos of the face-up itself to follow):
I've spent the last few days checking out other SD sized dolls. First I indulged myself in thinking of getting a suntan FCS girl, to be Alistair. In the end I scratched that idea since the girl wouldn't be worth the money it'd cost me. This same reason also took Volks Ryoya off my "wishful-thinking-list". Ryoya would have become a yet unnamed boyfriend for Eiko. Since I was (and am) still hooked on this boyfriend idea, I went look at other SD boys I've found good-looking.
This took me to Crobidoll and Little Monica, both of which make gorgeous boy sculpts! Crobi's M-line boys would be the perfect height, a good head taller than SDGr. And I really like Tei. The mouth is partly open and the sleepy eyes captivating. Only thing, I went and looked at photos of Tei DayDreaming ver. And that version has a truly open mouth, with teeth and everything! But those eyes are too closed.. I don't get along with dreamer dolls as I like to see their eyes. Éire is enough trouble...
Little Monica on the other hand has a bit shorter boys, but all quite gorgeous. The only one with shown teeth is Renonne, but he wouldn't work as Eiko's boy, he's too soft looking. Kliff is quite aloof and cool, but I think the eyes are too small... And I have a soft spot for Enrill despite his very closed mouth. Now I just have to decide whose mouth I could live with :D
Well, no, I really need to get my minis in order before I get any more bigger ones. And I really should see if I even get along with boy dolls first. Currently the petite-Nikki is the only real boy here and he gets so little attention :( I think that upgrading him to a mini size so he can really be with Manna would be better, since then he would at least get attention from Manna :D And I'd see whether I'd like to dress him up more as a mini.
Eiko has to wait for her special someone for a while more!
But yes, looking through Crobi's gorgeous default face-ups I wanted to redo Yuffie's face-up. I actually had Tei's photos as reference while doing it, but I didn't get even close to it..
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