Not Enough Pastels Yet?

Pretty Nuu in Pink

My shelf with my 'little' dolls is quite candy colored as it is, Nuu in her pink, Hippu with black&white&mint and now Manna in babyblue&babypink. But I'm still missing the ultimate creamcake in my collection! I wasn't sure just how creamcake untill I came curious about the lolita scene after reading a short article on them. I've now read faqs and threads about tr00 lolita, the genres, the panniers, the rocking-horse shoes etc. And although it is not something that'd suit me personally, I fell for Sweet Lolita (Ama Lolita?) style and their endless amount of pastels, bows and ruffles. And if I can't wear it myself, I certainly can make a doll to wear it!

I have for some time now wanted a tan doll to add to my collection. I had been thinking of making a fully white color-themed tan doll (doll wears only white clothes and a white wig) but also I liked backhaired-browneyed tans. And once I started musing about a Soom Hati FC doll in tan and with hooves (so far one hasn't been able to get a FC doll without fantasy parts) I also thought of makng her into a woodling creature. But all that is now history! I now want a tan doll in mostly mint/pink pastels who is Sweet Lolita styled :)

After this idea it came down to choosing size. I'd love the name Vanille for this doll, but since it's a Final Fantasy name, it'd make the doll (in my quirky doll-naming-rules) an SD size. So, from Volks I could a get (a very pricey) FCS sunlight doll (maybe that cute F45?) with a swarikko body with added extra hands and high-heeled feet. But I don't think she'd look all that great next to my mischievous bright colored duo. Yuffie'd just kick the poor girl (or maybe now that girly boy, hmmm?) off the shelf!

I also much prefer to sew in slim mini size. It's not too small to sew for (like Petite...) but does't use up too much fabric either. The problem is, there just aren't many slim mini lines available per se and ever fewer are available in tan! I'd also need a cute face with an open mouth so I'd love the doll not just for their clothes...

But I noticed that Bimong's Naraes are again being sold, through a new dealer. I saw from the waiting room that orders are being filled so far. So maybe at last that tan N418 (Narae elf)? I'll have to wait and see if the company keeps being reliable and if they offer the optional parts in tan as well, I'd really like loose-fist hands and optional high-heeled feet with my order. I wouldn't want to order them separately because then they might not match...

Now I'd still need a name for a MSD tan girl...


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