From Old to New!

while there hasn't been that harsh changes with my dolls, they still have evolved a bit in these few years. Nikki is the only one to have changed shells. The transformation from a Pyrol to a Bygg isn't actually that major though, since they are both sculpts from the same company and in the same size. Nikki still kept all is manners, and his black hair/blue eyes combo. Hippu is the one who's constantly switching his stuff up and eventually I noticed that he had changed his 'defaults' too. He gave his pink wigs permanently to Nuu and the pink eyes are gone as well.

Here's Hippu as when he first came home:

Innocence of Hippu

And here he is in his brand new portrait photo:

Hippu Portrait 120119

More transformation under the break!

You might also note that I've evolved a bit too, both as a seamstress and a photographer ;) But I love my fluff-head!

Next, Nuu, when she first came home from getting her face-up:

Portrait of Nuu

First she got her proper dark brown eyes and then (when I got bored with having too many blonds) a pink hairdo. I love this newest addition to my pink-wig collection, it suits her so well:

Nuu Portrait 120119

Nikki first came home as a very puff-headed Pyrol:

I'm Not in the Mood

Then he cuted up when he switched his sculpt to a Bygg, got a more maintained wig and a bit sharper clothes:

Come and get me!

Manna was a platinum blond when she first came here:

Blue White Angel

She cut her hair a bit, dyed it a more golden color and voila:


Still working on getting a better photo of current Éire, as she got a more vibrant hair now, but the change is very minor..


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