Master & Minion

So she's not wearing her own clothes or even wig, but I realized I haven't taken any pics of Hippu and Éire together! A bit of a spoiler of their relationship since they haven't even met yet in the photostories, but there's still so much to reveal anyways so a little sneak peek won't do any harm ;) These photo's try to convey in a very metaphorical sense what Hippu sees their relationship being before everything in the photostory arc took place. Éire was his guardian, the one who made him feel safe. He belonged by her side and always missed her gentle touch. If I were to take these pictures of Éire's opinion of their relationship, they would come out very different :D

Always watching his back...

Like a comforting shadow.

He could tell her everything. Even the very dark things that scared him.

That hand was always there to grip if he wanted.

He loved her with all his heart.

And would tell her so daily.

And he would always feel safe falling asleep, since she would be watching over him.
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