Set Complete

It is my first re-shelling... Since I promised Valentine that my Doll Horde would consist of 6 dolls, if there's a new doll I want, I need to get rid of one old. And now this is the case with Nikki. I did warn Valentine that as soon as a NS Bygg would come out, I'd buy him. And so I did! I never really did bond to my Pyrol anyway and I hope he has a better home where he goes. I think the problem was that I was trying to get a doll to match the character and didn't do as I normally do, to buy a doll I really love and fit the character to it. Bygg will make a lovely Nikki though, I'll paint his eyebrows a bit more grumpy than the defaults ;) And I can't wait to paint those teeth the mold has!
BTW, this is the first mock-up I've done that has been successfull! He looks like Nikki alright, although the clothes are wrong...
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