Still Seamstress lvl 2 (and a bit of EXP)

I've gotten around to make some new clothes. Finally got something out of the plaided fabric I got so long ago. Started to make a full (and very simple) skirt for Hippu/Nuu from it back in the day, but it didn't really work out since I haven't gotten the hang of collars just yet. But it made a lovely pleated skirt! For Éire! Manna is modelling it since Éire hasn't got her eyes, wig or body yet (and I just can't make myself restring the Unoa body for a wigless eyeless girl...).

It is actually supposed to sit low on the hips but I still made it a little bit too large since I wanted the lacing to show as well. If I lace it looser now, it fall off :) Manna is also showing off the fluffy hoodie I made for her. The hood is overkill large, but any smaller and it couldn't accomodate her massive hair, so... Atm Manna is wearing the hoodie with her cutest little blue ruffle shorts from ACR.

Also made Nuu a balloon(ish) skirt a while back. And it is actually seen in the photostories. Well, here it is showcased :)

And a nicely blurred view of the back with the ribbon holding it together. There's supposed to be a snap also but I haven't found small enough snaps yet and with a snap it doesn't look as good with her tail.
And I finally ran out of that white satin! (Well, there isn't much left, I could do a scarf from it nothing much else.) Only got a little of the brown-with-tulips and the plaided and a massive amount of the white-fluffy fabrics left. Need to go shopping for some new ones. Also desperately need some thin ribbons. And snaps.
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