Manna And Her Blushing
Sooo, my Unoa Lusis, named Manna, arrived. Way ahead of schedule, but I got everything pretty much ready for her. Except the face-up slot, so she'll be blank (ghost in Valentine's words) for a while. I first spent a couple of days sanding her seams and shaving off the extra resin from moulding. And since I got the knife in my hand, I opened up Manna's eyes a bit and did the eye mod on Éire's head as well. Then some blushing, clothes on, taming the wig and she's almost done. Pics and more explanation to come!
She came through the customs, that little clever girl. Even when her full value was declared on the box... O_o Her box was filled with Japanese news paper, which later served as cover when I was praying and painting.
Here are Manna's eyes opened a bit. I of course forgot to take 'before' pitures *facepalm*, but she was just your normal Lusis default fp.
And here's Éire. This shipment of Unoa preorders all came with an extra sleeping faceplate if you answered the questionnaire by Alchemic Labo. Cool, since now I didn't have to buy Éire's face from elsewhere! I wanted her eyes to seem half-open and it will be looking better once the eye crease is painted with the face-up. Yes, she looks pretty asian atm...
As I was ready to start priming the parts with matte varnish, I faced a problem. I couldn't for the life of me get the can open :( So I had to wait for Valentine to get home from evening shift to open it. It just needed the brutal strength I didn't have... Well, he then helped me with the spraying and the parts were ready for the next day. Then I started on the blushing with soft pastels. Valentine left the can open for me so I could pray between layers. :)
The boobs came out ok although I couldn't get as much blushing on the right nipple as I'd wanted. Had some trouble with the collarbone and there remains some blotches. I'll have to be careful when I blush her again. They don't bother me that much though, so no re-blushing in the near future.
I actually was determined to give her pubes at first, since she's supposed to be in her early twenties. They didn't work out though and looked too porn so I scrubbed them off and kept the blushing only. I think more blushing near the navel would also do good here.
You can't see the blushing much since it isn't that strong, but there's some between the shoulder blades and a huge blotch on her left shoulder :( I didn't even notice it before taking these pics and now it's kinda bothering me.
Hands (and feet) were fun. I like the blushing on the hands and on top of the feet, but the inner sides of the feet I could not blush evenly and the paint on nails looks grainy. I dunno if gloss varnish would save them at all...
The soles look pretty terrible ;__;
But here she is with her Angel.Candy-Rock clothes and the huuuge wig.
She's blank, but beautiful. Perhaps a little stoned, but I can live with that if only she doesn't do it in front of the kids ;)
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