Picture this...

You're spending a nice weekend at your parents' house. Until your told that the neighborhood is being manifested by a zombie virus. The sun is setting and you hear frightful noises from outside. They know your here. Mainly because your father and little brother is also one of them. You hide to the only place possible, the sauna, because the light cannot enter there. And this is relevant, because it is a dream and you start to realize it...

You nap your sister and her dog and cram into the sauna trying to keep a hold of your cat who has suddenly appeared on scene and is not cooperative. You realize the sauna is on and it's freaking hot. You try to turn it off but to no avail. Your sister's dog tries to run away and is attaked by the zombies, so is your sister. Luckily the sun is rising again.

Now your whole family is acting very dull (if your seen the Invasion, like those people...). Your starting to panic, because you know the next night is going to be your last if you can't turn them to normal. Luckily from out of nowhere the idea hits you that they turn back if they stand in pure sunlight, so you drag your sister, brother and father outside. They try to stay out of the light, but the clouds part revealing the sun and voilá! they're back. But it is the last drops of sunlight for today. You barricade yourselves in the house with the only un-zombie people, that is, your family.

Next day you organize a possa to clear all the people of your street from zombiehood. Having some hard time from time to time but prevailing. For some reason, at near nightfall, an old lady is keen that we save her stuffed animal before her. We drag them all to the light but must get the lady inside out fortress soon now. Next morning we find stuffed animal parts everywhere, they have apparently fought for us in the outside.

At this point I finally awaken, thanks to Valentine's alarm (he still doesn't get up though). I couldn't have taken any more of this zombie stuff...


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